Firefoxes FF4 received and tested

Generally the operation goes like this - click the tailcap button to activate the battery carrier. Then click the side button. That turns the light on to 42w medium. From there you have to wait at least 15 seconds to go into high. To get to high, unless I’m wrong here, it requires you to go into low which is done by clicking the side button one time. So now that your in low, hold the side button down for 2 seconds and you will see the obvious kick up in lumens as it goes into high. From there you have up to 3 minutes use in that high mode. And I’m ok with that basically since the light gets pretty warm fairly fast in high. But if you decide to go to to low or medium, which is done by a single click, that’s it for high - it won’t go there again unless the light is totally kicked off. Now low and medium can be switched back and forth as needed with a single side button click. But no more high.
But like I said above, the medium is pretty powerful to begin with. 5000+ lumens is nothing to sneeze at. So if you just think of it as a 42wt light with a bonus “wow” 60wt “1 time turbo” then you should be good to go.

The booklet comes with it states - 2500 hour bulb life.

Thanks. I was also going to ask what a bulb costs, but through googling I found one on Doingoutdoor for $22. Just curious.

Oh man, I just ordered another 6 PDs from wallbuy’s groupbuy and you make me want to try Bs.

2500 hour is a very very long time when our bulb dies I don’t think they are making them any more so may be we have to buy spare bulb soon.

Wallbuys don’t do the PDs???

I’m sure he meant the other way around.

That's probably a good idea if it's a proprietary bulb.

Nice write up and pictures. You may have got it for fun, but that light looks all serious business.

Thanks for the information. Finally I see more complete FF4 test data.
This beast is really perfect thrower and flooder.

Yes, I am a little bit confused with B and PB I usually call them by mah or cover color until they started to cover every cells from 3100mah with green.

My suggestion would be to go onto fasttech’s website and go to their Panasonic cells then look through the drop down list. Will give you a much better understanding because it shows you the specs and the model number and a picture. The PD cells are a high discharge current cell which is rated up to 10A. The rest as far as I know are sorted by their capacity (mAh), whether they are protected or unprotected and whether they are button or flat top.

PM me back OK

wheres those beamshots?:slight_smile:

Just did them a week ago -