First post, new dealer

Yeah . . . logic matters to me too.


You are great, mark. I envy you so much. LoL, that is not true, you know. Not for your luck, but for your popularity. So many people welcome you when you just joined.

I am newbie, want to grow with all of you.

Aloha and welcome to BLF Mark!

Thank’s for the welcome guys. I will try to do the best I can concerning service. I just opened an account with Xtar and some chargers coming along with the lights.
The budget livhts are going to take a little time because in order to make it profitable huge quantities are needed. Freight costs are a big issue. As I told Mrs. Madecov, if this doesn’t work out we will be giving lights as gifts for many years to come. LOL

EDC+ (jason, jake25) sells mostly best-sellers, Xeno E03's in all variations, Balder SE-1's in all variations, and some more Xeno and Balder, and they quickly clear the not-as-sell welling Xeno/Balder/Lumintop lights. That is one clever way of growing one's business: mass selling of best-selling items. Another best-selling item would be Nitecore intellicharger i4 V2.

Shiningbeam sells iTP and Romisen .. which are popular budget lights too.

Best-selling items (Tank E09, Xeno E03, iTP A3, Balder SE-1, Romisen RC-G2, Sipik 3-mode clone, ..) would generate high-volume and popularization (publicity) of your young business .. unless the market is already saturated for these well-known lights.

Balder is on my short list.
Surprisingly Crelant sent me one sample of the 9V-T6 & my copy has a nice white beam. No green at all. My examination of it doesn’t match Foy’s review. There are sufficient tail cap threads that it takes 3 1/2-4 turns to remove the tail. It actually isn’t a bad $40.00 dollar light.
As for the Xeno, it’s a cool little light but since 2-3 or more guys have it I need to find a.lower priced quality light that no one else is stocking. I guess other than Crelant I need to find a niche

If you could have a similar selection to what Intl-Outdoor has you would do great, they have a good selection of higher end budget lights that look great.

Yes but they are in Hong Kong and inbound freight costs to them are minimal and they sell at retail or slightly below. Most of the major players in Asia are all intertwined from manufacture to retail.

It's good to have you here, madecov.