Flashing Firmware on Sc21 pro with Emisar programming adapter

Hey all. I’ve successfully updated my ts10 and sp10 Pro with new firmware.

I do have an sc21 pro I’d like to update to anduril 2.

So my question is, can I just use an Emisar programming adapter? If I remove the pogo pin board, I have a female dupont connector. Can I just solder wires to the light pads and plug them.into the connector and use avrdude standard commands to flash the firmware?

If so. What pads and connector holes /pins do I need to connect?

Is it the same chip as an sp10 pro?

Can you show us a picture of the driver and the flashing pads?

Please see this post.

No, you need the programmer for the TS10 / SP10 Pro. The Emisar programmer won’t work.

I have a 3 pin programmer for the sp10/ts10. Can I just connect the wires as per the post linked? I thought the sc21 needed 5v. Is it the same voltage as the ts10?

Edit: I thought the sp10 needed 3v3?

They all have the same microcontroller. Connect the wires as described in the post you’ve linked and it should work.