flashlight AMPS - help!!

If the torch is getting hot pretty quick, as you said earlier, I'd bet it's drawing more than 1Amp.

Do a test; briefly jump a wire from the led - wire to the ground ring, & see how much the brightness increases. That would give you the maximum output that your cells/LED's are capable of.

With the resistor bank, usually there will be some resistance placed there in this type of driver to limit the current, so lowering the resistor value/bridging will usually increase current flow to the LED's. Your driver already had R000's there, so there was probably very little to gain by bridging, but worth a shot. The thin led wires are another form of resistance, but you have replaced those also.

It could be that the driver is maxed, & it looks to me that all of the current has to pass through the tiny little FET at Q3. I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me.

If that's the case, your next option is to replace the driver with a one of the pre-made SRK drivers available from MTN, or if you are up for something slightly more difficult, you could 'piggyback' a less expensive (but still more capable) driver to your existing one, bypassing the existing driver completely.

Of course, by doing that, you are going to run into overheating issues, as I mentioned earlier.

Another thing to consider, is that you may have lower performing 'fake' LED's in the torch, which will also be a limiting factor.