Flashlight carrying pouch

nice work, thanks for posting photos

suggestion, if the pockets were shorter, you could see the lights when the roll is open.

Could add a flap that goes over the tops of the lights before rolling up. As in this Knife Roll:

actually no, the flap goes over the heads, on the inside of the roll

in any case, Im happy you are happy
I do not own a sewing machine… nor do I carry that many lights…

I use one of these pouches to carry a couple of lights in a way that prevents them rubbing together…:

pic is a link to more edc pouches

Great ideas in this post thanks for posting. We do have a sewing machine but neither the wife nor I know how to use it so I opted for purching the one with seperate zippers looks good. This is going to be great packing my torches to go camping with! Being able to hang it too double bonus!