Flashlight Collection Downsizing

Yeah, good luck with that…

Last week I just got a light I don’t even recall ordering.

At first I thought GB made a mistake, send a duplicate I didn’t even order. I go look, yeah, I got the order in there, even the tracking #s match. Lemme check… yep, Paypal, too, they got the record of the transaction. ???

Then I remembered it had a code to get it at a Nice Price, and figured, yeah, I probably went’n’ordered another while the code was still good.


:smiley: . /\ . . Yep, I can relate to that…… . . :person_facepalming:

Wow……and i thought i already have too many lights with about 60 of them. Managed to sell about 10 of them……

I keep saying when I’m dead and gone people will go thru my stuff and each will take a handful of lights ... Months later they will be standing in a field with a dumb look on their faces thinking “ this is really one hell of a good light.”

timing is everything

Bro, you are still in biz, nice to see ya again! Not sure if you remember me. I stopped the hobby a few years ago and here i am again!

Good to know it's not only me then

What I need to do is stop making a fool of myself every time I say " this is my last light for the year". It never seems to work and then I just turn around and purchase even more.

Another bad habit I have is dropping a light in the shopping cart and then running away only to come back days later hypnotized by it until I finally give in and hit the buy button.

When I got my rot66 a few days ago, I liked it, but said to myself "no way will I get a second one, enough's enough".... then ff fires off an email to me and says they sent me a second one by mistake and if I want it, they would give me a deal on it Of course I couldn't resist and took their deal.

Oh no… you are definitely not alone!! :smiley:

And as far as the 2nd rot66…. that is one of those times you just can’t pass the ‘deal’ up. :wink: . . Especially if they really made it worth your while…… :slight_smile:

Started years ago with a fake sipik, then started collecting, buying hosts, parts, modding tools, and so on - now I have reached a point where I own about 20 lights. This is still a small collection, but I only ever use 1 light - my Convoy S2+. I could get rid of 19 lights and still be happy.

That’s good to hear. Now an then I ask myself why I have two each of Sofirn & BLF Q8, 1 of each unused apart form turn on once to check it works.

BTW, those Q8s are not mine.

I made an excel with all my flashlights, and I try to stay under 20, so usually I sell my lesser used ones so I have room to buy more

Haha, at least collecting flashlights is harmless compared to other hobbies! Yes, ff made me a deal I couldn't refuse.

you had me fooled there for a second.

Thankfully that’s not a problem for me. I try my best to not buy torches that overlap much with others I already have - UI, beam pattern, tint, at least something has to be very distinct. Both because I don’t like the idea of “jewelry” lights and because money is critically short.

As a result, my collection is at a grand total of 9 at the moment. Only two of those (a Thrunite TN12 2014 and a slightly defective Olight S30, both cool whites) see little use.

I hope you haven’t found the Cacoward-winning fan-made WADs then, for your own good :smiley:

What I’ve got I’m keeping , wifey can fuck off :smiley:

Well said Nev!! :+1: . Spoken like a true flashlight addict…… :wink:

I like this thread .. Downsizing is a wonderful idea ... For all those that need to unburden their weary souls there is a slot under the window in the confessional for lightly used shelf queens .

Downsize lol find another shelf. Just went through 2 hurricanes in a month. All those lights need batteries. So I have a littokala 2 bay charger. This saved my life what batteries I had . It can be used as a USB charger also. So it ran my USB fan and kept my phone charged for a week with no powe. So my wife,neighbors ,church members are now believers in my hobby. At night my queen’s like the dx80 and blf gt keep looters away as I could see them coming from a mile away lol.

I also did the same thing. I put in every flashlight (and batteries) that I’ve kept since belonging to BLF, including mods and parts into a spreadsheet. I did it more to keep track of the various parts I used in my mods and current measurements. I didn’t include the tools I acquired, like a soldering iron, since I figured they are used for other repairs around the house.

I was quite shocked with the total costs! It seemed like a lot of money for mere flashlights. More than I would’ve ever imagined spending on flashlights. But I guess it’s a hobby and I’ve learned a lot and had a bunch of fun over the years.

Downsizing? Hmm, that would be hard. I’m not sure which one I could give up. They all get used or serve a purpose.

So my dilemma now is to figure out which flashlight I want to build next. I’ve been patient, but I’ve also started a shopping cart at Mountain Electronics. :person_facepalming: