Jack - TK should really respond to you on this - she's the keeper . She implemented a nice short/long press detection on using a cap - it's pretty standard now and is being used in the BLF EE A6 group buy light (https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/31076). I've built a couple of lights with the same firmware. I much prefer an e-switch light for short /long press's though - easier, more consistent, much better UX/UI.
Ohh - haven't seen you on BLF for a while, hope all is well. If you just came back recently, there's lots to catch up on. RMM's website: http://www.mtnelectronics.com has many of the latest things we are building - parts, drivers, hosts, etc. Triples and quads have gotten to a whole new level, as well as insanely high amps in smaller and smaller lights.
I just did some browsing on the wiki - didn't know it was still maintained - there's lots of out-dated info there, but also lots that's still very useful. I can't find how to participate and post to it though. I never used BLF-VLD, always went with my own version of luxdrv, but now, luxdrv is pretty out-dated. I use OSHPark custom drivers almost exclusively now - the" FET+1" drivers where you get best of both - high powered modes from a FET, low modes off a single 7135.