ok. I am completely lost. I have read every post on this thread and multiple other threads like this one and this one and this one. I am using a Mac, which makes it worse because most of the info is about using AVRDude. I downloaded Crosspack-AVR. I am unsure if there is anything else I need. Is there a step by step guide on how to do this programming? I read the info at Ladyada.net and I still don’t understand it at all. I saw a thread that had screenshots, but none of the pictures were viewable. I have built 2 of the USB devices to flash the MCU’s but I don’t even know how to properly test them. I have 20 Nanjg 101-AK-A1 that I want to change the firmware on and I have 20 separate Attiny13a’s that I’ve ordered just sitting there. Where is the guide for morons for this? I just want to do simple programs, but it seems I may have just wasted money. I don’t usually let stuff get to me, but I just can’t wrap my brain around this stuff.