Flashlight for edc/self defense

Night Provision TX8 or Folomov 18650s (2 led choices). They are basically the same. Good grip. Only 4 inches so you can carry it in any pocket or any other way you want. Tail switch thats pretty easy to operate no matter how your thumb lands on it. In tactical mode you have momentary on, or 1 click for on high, or double click from off or on for strobe. What more could you want? Oh you want more? Take it out tactical mode and you have moonlight plus five other brightness levels + 3 blinky modes including strobe. But you don’t have to wade through the blinkie’s unless you want them with the TX8. With the Folomov you do have to wade through the strobe when you are not in the tactical mode. It’s a good flashlight to have for many different uses stashed in various places.

Thank you for the heads-up, I was looking for a weapon mounted light and jumped on the deal! :smiley: :+1:

Ahah, glad you found it helpful :wink:
Your wallet too :smiley: