Flashlight Photography -an artistic approach!

Ilove this shot, Xiotis! Can you post or pm a link to the full Res original? Johnny needs new wallpaper. :bigsmile:

DQG Tiny 18650 with my new phone camera:

Going out for the night…


When Parker met Preon…

They kind of clicked

Shiny happy Preon… ♪

Derp >.<

I just saw this, and it appears Mr. Admin already took it out. My apologies.


Thanks Foy, NP. I told Daniel you weren’t happy with that particular light. Also warned him that showing your unhappiness with that gesture is a good way to get in trouble! :wink:

haha… Chloe!
That story was epic! :slight_smile:
Thank you! Your feminine touch and point of view is highly appreciated!

And that Foy did in fact, get in trouble.


Surprised it got deleted - I thought it was an accidental flipping of the bird

Lionheart_2281, perhaps you should look back at the few rules the forum has. Being obscene or rude is a sure way to get your account deleted. This is to help ensure a family atmosphere.

Last time I checked, the meaning of a bird is about as obscene as it gets. A gesture that is illegal in most states, it can get you in major big trouble in a very short time to fly that flag in a gun-toting state like Texas. The South is pretty laid back, all things considered, but a great many folks in the South still believe in manners and respect to women and children.

And now you know.

Looks like a ” got-to-have” light, what model of Solarforce is it Foy ? ( S1100 or the new 2200 ) and where can i aquire one ?


Just how big is that reflector anyway? And yeah, what model is that? It looks impressively massive, like it would have to be a great thrower. Solarforce is really getting my attention ( I only have 6 but I just discovered them a couple 2 or 3 months ago)

Need to look that one up, does anyone here have a review on it? Foy? Do you?

Also really loved that impressive O-L Mag, beautiful! And what is that heavily pyramided L2X? Is that a Solarforce? Looks like an adequate weapon if need be! lol

I’m glad you liked it! Thank you! :bigsmile:

DBCstm -

As a matter of fact, I did review the S1100 https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/18356

As to the L2X, I believe you're talking about the Gladiator https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/11204


Heading over for some reading…

Not the Gladiator, but the L2X pictured with a black L2T and a grey and blue L2P on your counter. It has similar pyramids to the Gladiator but is the size of an L2P. What’s that? Directly under the SST-50 Mini Match Mod AA pictured.

Ohhh, I'm sorry, you mean this . . .

They used to make the L2X in two version; single and 2 x 18650 . . .

Both are discontinued now.

Interestingly, (or maybe not) the also discontinued Masterpiece Pro-2 used the exact same meat tenderizer tube as the L2X extended, sans "L2X" etched on the top.


Here´s something different:

All hand made and pic taken in real time (that´s how it would look in games)

Sry for the “offtopic” : P

Recoil mitigation technology?!

Hi Guys, looky what I just found in the mailbox…

The Solarforce S2200 with MT-G2 emitter and a claimed 2200 lumens. :slight_smile: It’s a big beastie, to be sure!