The “rechargeable” description of the amazon C8 light you linked is misleading. It is not rechargeable, it only uses a rechargeable battery. Don’t buy it, it’s almost twice the price and has half the output as the Convoy’s FmC and I linked above. If you want one faster from USA then get the one Jubeldum linked. But you will need to also buy a battery charger to recharge.
If you want a good truly rechargeable light get the Eagle Eye I linked above, then you won’t have to buy a charger, only a battery. You will also need a charging cord (the same kind that is used for android phones)
Here are the links again for the rechargeable Eagle Eye light (and a review on it):
X6R Review: KronoReview: Eagle Eye X6R
Here is a good quality battery for it (Battery ships from USA warehouse)
I prefer the U2-3C (neutral white) over the U2-1A (cool white) but that is a matter of preference, the 3C will show colors better, especially outdoors. The 1A will have a slightly bluish tint. IMO the blue tint appears brighter but you can actually see less.
Tint Comparison - white vs neutral white
Hover your mouse pointer over the first two photos for Neutral White compared to Cool White (mouse in = NW, …mouse out = CW)