Flashlights more expensive locally?

At least from my experience, with Korea, and what I was told, which was a number of years ago, a large portion of the Korean “system” is geared towards, and encourages, export. My own impression was that, because of that, a lot of times, profits from domestic sales (inside the country) kind of either directly or indirectly subsidize the price of exported goods, which is why prices are relatively expensive for domestic consumers.

Sure, I’ll give them a call or even a visit. The pair of Pannys I complained about, I just saw that it was a 5 pack, sorry. I was really surprised when I thought it was only 2 cells. :slight_smile:

No problem, but it’s still unclear, at least to me, if “5 pack” is equal to 5x2 batteries, or is equal to 5x1 batteries. I’m guessing/hoping that it’s the former!

If that’s the case, i.e., if it’s $95 for 10 18650s, is that a good price for you in Korea? Seems like it’d be reasonable?

$9.50 per Panny 3100mAh here is a decent price, surprisingly. They are generally sold at $12 at local online shops.
Surprisingly, the 18650’s and the entire accessories page disappears when I change the language into Korean. I don’t think they want to sell it to Korean folks. :~

However, a couple of lights that are named OHLED pop up in the Korean site. OHLED.com is a Korean flashlight forum, and I think it’s running a joint group buy of some sort.

Interesting story here about how buying cheap from China and selling locally at a huge markup works.
Drop shipping to avoid having your stock sitting in a warehouse
And how “quality fade” happens when your wholesaler substitutes a lower quality cheaper product for what you’re promising people you’re selling.

Familiar stuff.