Flooding AA emergency flashlight for in car

It’s way more fun than changing diapers in the dark… for most people at least. J)

it gets hotter in a parked car in the summer, 100 outside means the car could get to 140 inside

if I have a 40-60 dollar light for my car for emergencies I only want the best batteries available for the sake of protecting the light and it working when I need it to


Being cheap and easy to replace won’t really help him when he’s in an emergency and needs it to work.

I wouldn’t worry too much about that output on medium. You can do a whole lot with 20 Lumens in the dark.

Maybe a 2xAA light would give you more what you need, the Olight S15 has great runtimes with 2xAA and you can use it with 1 if you need to. Also has a magnet in the tail which I still think would be useful in a car breakdown situation, or even just topping up washer fluid in the dark, checking oil levels etc.

I am hoping the S15 will go on a ‘too good to miss’ sale at some point, but pricing is not unfair as it stands IMO.

True, but it really is a back up light. My car, the roads, mobile network and the emergency services here are all really good, so the changes of me needing this light are really slim.

Since they don’t cost much I have decided to go for 2 of the SK68 clones (Ultrafire Q5’s). When they arrive I’m going to put them both in my car, one with a battery in it ready to go and the other one without (as a back up for my backup) and store some AA’s in the glove compartment in a case.

Before making this choice I was looking at way more expensive lights, but I’m not ready to part with this amount of money for a back up light. I’m going to list them here, so people who are looking for a good EDC with mutiple modes don’t have to do the research:

- Nitecore EA1

- Nitecore sens AA

- Fenix LD12

- Fenix E11 €21

- Sunwayman S10A (this one seems really nice for about $30)

- Olight i2 (think it is a bit over priced, since for $10 more you can get the S10A. Which is brighter, has more modes etc.)

  • EagleTac D25A

Maybe I’m going to get one of these lights as a keychain/edc in the future, but for now the SK68 clones will do in the car.

Thanks everybody for the input!

Not that it matters now, but the i2 is $16.

I personally had the sk68 as car glove light until my kid killed it. I am getting a new one just for that purpose. I also have 2 energizer lithium in it. I have the low/high mode version.
Its like spare tyres. You hope you will never need it but if you do need it and you don’t have one, you will bite off your fingers!

I find the Olight i2 ideal for anything under the hood as I can put the light in my mouth and have both hands free. If I had to change batteries in the Olight I’d use my fauxton between my teeth. At the price of the fauxtons there’s no reason to ever do anything in the dark.