Focusing the Courui D01, XPL, XPL HI, XP-G2, + KD 86mm reflector, results graphed.

Yes, the lens is just a cheap "UV filter".

I just tried out the 30Q's, & they were a little better, @ 814KLux. Cell voltage after testing was 4.16v.

To shine it around, it looks like a light sabre, that just keeps on going.... :D

So 814k Lux… or Candela? I’ll have to do the math if it’s actually Lux.

could you please measure the output without this UV filter ? Basically without any lens at all? I want to know whether it is worth the effort to buy a quality lens with AR coating or not.

I was measuring @ 10 meters, which is about what you want for a thrower, & it also makes the calculation easier. 814,000 Lux, which calculates out to 1804 meters throw @ 0.25 Lux.

I should be able to remove the lens, & have the ring hold the reflector in place.

I wanted to test the 25r's again fully charged, so I may do that tonight.

I saw your new XP-G3 test and comparing to XP-G2(real old s42b) it would look like 814kcd vs 264kcd as a shame for new G3 :slight_smile:

So in 2016. we got lower performing emitters from Cree and we should all be quiet about that cause Cree wants all the best for us as I was been told by several members in my Cree changed production process for G2 emitters thread :slight_smile:

You guys may attack me again but I really think someone should send them a protest note where they will be called to redo process to previous state.

I mean if they have general light category they could have flashlight category end expand their business branch

Just to clarify, the difference is 443k vs 264k.

The 814k was using the 86mm KD reflector.

You can easily check the focus or not your LED in the reflector.
To do this, you need the most remote luminous object.
Moon - an ideal option. Suitable and another object. Lamppost with light bulb at a distance.
Ideally - you will have a point. The less - the better the focus.
You need to direct reflector to the object (Moon, …) and catch the inside point on the LED.

Yes, I have used a similar method to “ballpark” the focal height, by holding the torch towards a ceiling light.

It’s surprising though what difference just a few ’thou can make, especially with a big reflector & relatively small led.

ceiling light not the best chois :slight_smile: