That was enlightening. Are we done now?
I can see microwaves being able to cook scrambled that way, though tedious. But for semi-soft boiled? No way. The microwaves change the protein characteristics of the yolk & whites. Texture is weird. Taste isn’t right.
I used to nuke farina similarly. Milk goes into the bowl, dump in the farina-sand, start nuking. Every 30sec start “whisking” with my eatin’ spoon. Once it starts to get clumpy, it’s 15sec, then 10. Once the milk’s hot and fizzing along the edges, keep “whipping”, and add a glob of butter. The butter doesn’t just impart its buttery goodness, but keeps the farina from sticking to the bowl somewhat.
Then just keep nuking it with the 10sec breaks ’til it’s done. Yeah, you wear the Hell outta the latch and everything with the constant on/off, which is why I just said f it and started cooking it in a small frying-pan instead. Same principle, only just keep stirring it as it’s cooking vs the constant on/off/on/off, etc.
Hmmm, that’s what I feel like having right about now…
Ever throw in some corn meal (polenta) into your grits? I’ve added some to steel cut oatmeal and it enriches the flavor.
I could never eat more than one grit.
So LB, you’re a mono-grit kind of guy?
Oh, they’re just soooooooooo filling…
If you want scrambled eggs, I’ve become a fan of Gordon Ramsay’s method. Crack the eggs directly in a cold pan, and throw in a slab of butter - about 1 Tbsp for 6 eggs. Don’t add salt and pepper until the end - the salt makes them turn gray while they cook. Set a timer for 3 minutes, turn the burner to High, and start stirring. Alternate 30 seconds on the burner and 10 seconds lifted off, stirring the entire time. Just keep repeating that until done. Remove from pan and add salt & pepper.
Fast, easy, and consistent. Faster than the low-and-slow method, while pulling it off the heat every 30 seconds prevents them from burning or cooking too quickly. And as long as you are watching a timer, it’s easy to get consistent results every time.
I did that once and the eggs were the best scrambled eggs I’ve ever tasted.
I’m too lazy to do that every time for myself but if you want to impress someone who will notice the difference, then there it is.
I loooooved the low’n’slow method ’til tacky like custard, but didn’t like leaving half of them in the pan.
For me, now, it’s a small cast-Fe skillet, melt the butter while it’s still heating up full blast, dump in the eggs when only half the butter melted, then just keep pulling the edges to the middle ’til they’re mostly set, grab’n’flip sections when possible to cook the snot-side, kill the heat entirely, and keep doing the flip part ’til cooked, then slide ’em off onto the plate.
Still soft, maybe only a dot of eggstoff left in the middle of the pan, and fast to cook.
Shakshuka is nice but I rarely find the time to make it. Or fried eggs on roasted potatoes with onions when I have some cooked potatoes left. Scrambled eggs for breakfast. Fried eggs on toast if I have little time.
I’m allergic, so medication is needed .
That sounds more like an omelet ?
I do the same basic thing with the pan and butter, but use a whisk and keep whisking until the eggs are fully cooked.
A little salt and pepper… done. Not much sticking. Or sometimes just use a non-stick pan. Though I love my cast iron (well seasoned) skillet.
I used to scramble them in a microwave. At work, no stove. Same thing, just short bursts and lots of stirring with a fork.
Actually works OK once you have the hang of it.