The Black one is a 10x Sky Ray modded with a copper pill, BLF FET ramping driver. Three of the emitters are High CRI XM-L2 the rest are cool white. Gives it a nice rosy tint.
The gold one is a Ultrafire It’s a 5x regular pill with de-domed XM-L2 emitters on sinkpads also FET driver with Ramping.
Thanks for getting back to me, kinda after a stock SRK, hard to justify getting another modded soda can size light with both the Q8 and UT03 coming soon.
Goodluck with the sales, your modded lights are the bomb
Is that a real Blackshadow Terminator or a clone? I’m assuming clone. If so, is the build pretty good? Good shelf under emitters and working threads on the reflector cups?
That’s the NAGE clone, it’s now got a BLF FET driver with ramping UI and de-domed XP-L2’s. It turned out very nice. Great hot-spot and still lots of flood. And yes the cups come off and there is a shelf under the emitters.
Ah, I didn’t notice that these have all been modded. Sounds great but I’d be limited to an insultingly low $ figure for an offer, so I’ll let someone else hop on it.
No problem and I completely understand, it’s the same reason I don’t buy modded lights. Since the point for guys like us is to do the modding, there isn’t much point in paying extra money for work we would rather have fun doing ourselves.
the bad news is putting an itimized posting will really help move them (so do it after I pick over them)
can you tell me about your C8’s, 26650, the four emitter light top center, and any 3c or warmer lights? zoomies,throwers and blue cold emitters omitted.
C8’s; Most are your basic cheap ultrafire models. They are all modded with BLF FET DD drivers mostly with simple UI’s. Low, Medium and High is what most of them get. That’s generally my favorite for C8’s. The emitters are on noctigons or sinkpads. They have to be or that driver would kill them. For emitters it’s a range from XM-L2 to XP-L2 and XP-G2 Some de-domed some not. You can pretty much make your pick.
The light colored camo model has an XHP50 de-domed in it, FET driver
Not too many throwers at all. For some reason I always end up selling them after I’m done making them. I do have a ZY-T08 with a de-domed XP-G2 S4 2B in it. That big zoomie is a thrower of course, same thing for emitter, XP-G2 de-domed. I’ve got a couple 26650 zoomies around modded the same as the C8’s. Just your basic ultrafire ones. 2x26650 is the Yezel with the MT-G2 in it.
The 4x light is described in a comment a couple before this one. It’s a terminator clone modded.
Oh and some of the C8’s have neutral high CRI emitters and so do a couple BLF 502B’s.
Just SK68’s I’ve got a bunch of them. Some with the drivers we build but also some that you can use AA with. With them it’s just an emitter swap. Usually XP-G2 de-domed on a noctigon. Heavier wires added.