Forward clicky for metal switch Convoy S2+?

Yup, and with no information to tell us more it will be hard to tell…

I went back to check some threads here and found these:
Where to find forward-clicky switches? , and after seeing some links there I kept this link for ebay:
Can anyone take a look and see if they resemble FC switches? They seem to me due to height, but can’t be sure…

Also, a thread for switch mods: Switch mods, posts 'em if you got 'em

I guess I will have to dig deep into these :person_facepalming: :nerd_face:

EDIT: It seems that the measurements found in the ebay link are incorrect. Those switches are probably much bigger than the 1288 Omten. Those switches are similar to some that I bought from Simon some time ago. They are HUGE.

Please ignore the Link i posted.