Foy: please stop. Your obsession has finally started to cause problems for the rest of us.

he's lurking from a remote location .. they took his keyboard from him so he doesn't hurt himself with it .

Been a bad week.

A bit of laughter helps a lot.

I've had quite a few laughs in this thread.

Dieta, who hasn't heard me laugh before just came up to find out what the noise was.


If they could come for him... any of us could be next.

I'm scared.

Time for a search party. Bring your own flashlight. He may have had an intervention and is not allowed to talk to us anymore.

Everybody, bring a spare. If we find him, he'll be suffering withdrawal.

Poor bast@#%, being married to a showgirl would have been a kinder fate. He'd be back among us with a good hangover and stories of his latest ex-wife already.

Do we need to start a new thread ? ...where is foy? hmm..

My guess is he was testing highpowered lights and made the classic mistake of lighting them all up at once on sos/beacon ..and hailed the mother ship .. Now they are doing experiments on him!/Foywonder/status/46767170130161664

something like "where is Foy? make your bets here"

is it bad the first thing I thought of was a poll? :P

I'm still gonna bet that Foy's da man, and is having ridiculous fun right now.

Maybe he has barricaded himself inside the solarforce factory and they can't get him out!

Seriously though -I hope nothing bad has happened to him.

Probably just taking a break. It's vacation time and he is probably enjoying life. Probably he got even a few moments of explaining (futile attempts) why he brought a "few" solarforces on vacation just in case. :P

He is in Las Vegas. I thought you go there for vacation.


"Guess where is Foy and he will give you a FREE solarforce"... You think we have to ask him before??

I'm pretty sure he's on vacation testing waterproof light without the "TAKEASHOWEREWITHFOY" test.

Still no clues of the whereabouts of our beloved FoyzelTM maker?

The search party is off. Foy has made contact and has just been busy with his real life. Who else needs our help? Maybe Boaz but I’m sure we are not qualified.

I just found out someone has been using my paypal account

I think it's being used to fund online casino gambling .Some type of poker site where the person was trying to buy in with coins .and there are many charges to this dealing extreme ..the person used it to build his own website ...he was trying to buy a Domain and he's been shopping for many fonts .

Boaz, are you for reals? I've always wondered if that could happen. If it is, let us know how it gets resolved.

BTW the title of this thread just kills me every time I see it! ;)


Come back foy. I just bought a solarforce.

No, no not CC hasn't yet fully recovered.

I think you're right ,,I'm getting a bit nervous ..We need to form a search party .With streamers and party hats and banners ,we'll need drinks ,maybe a barbeque ..searching makes you hungry ..we definately need to send out scouts .Foy Scouts.armed with the latest solarforce lights ... maybe we should send out invitations .

Something bad could have happened .. he might have been in an accident never know ..

I wonder if he's got clean underwear on ..???