FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX 26800 Battery Tube for FT / EA Series Group Buy - ENDED

I’d definitely prefer small extensions. Overall weight of the light, extension and 1 of each battery is left if swapping doesn’t require 2 full tubes. I’ll definitely have 26650s w/ me for a 2S light I always use, but I really like these 26800 batteries.

What I love most about this thread is BLF members collaberating with manufacturers to bring us new products that us flasherz want. Really cool that Freeme is doing this stuff.

Tubes are local, should get them Monday or Tuesday. Shipping went fast.

Mine alleged to have been in Cranbury, NJ since July 11, 2021 at 3:01 am. Hasn’t moved since.

Mine started there, but moved on to Queens, then Mid Island distrib. center, and just departed from there. Next stop should be the local P.O.

Mine stalled out also. Hasn't moved in 9 days:

July 10, 2021, 9:01 pm
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Shipping Partner: AWESUNG

At the local post office early this morn, should be out for delivery today.

I came home to a great surprise, my first tube arrived today (i ordered them separately bc it was cheaper). its awesome, it fits well and machining is flawless.

Thanks again Freeme, and everyone else (Texas Shooter especially) who made this possible for us!

Thats the address that was on my package today. I hadn't been checking the thread or tracking it admittedly, so i didn't even know what it was until i opened it.

Got mine last Saturday.

Ordered…finally thanks !!!

Both mine turned up this morning. And I have a 26800 battery as well.

I received mine this afternoon, thank you Freeme, the light doesn’t feel any longer than the original for the extra capacity I get. This was a good deal!

My FT03 tube came today. The internal charger is putting out 1.61 amps to the cell. Feels good in the hand. I wish Simon would make a long tube for the M3-C.

A few of us do. Maybe a semi-practical hot rod light? M3C host, SBT90.2 LED, 20 amp driver, 26800 tube, 21700 plastic insert. Host has enough mass to be almost practical, thermal sensor set a little generously high.

Got mine last Monday...glad to have it and the light output on the FT03 seems the same with the 26800 as it did with the 26650 but the run time sure is longer. Awesome. My tube arrived with shipping damage because they sent it in a thin plastic envelope, no padding or protection at all. Couple of dings in the threads on one end, easy enough to correct with a file, feels fine now. I think my FT03 was first batch but I noticed that the knurling on this tube has the nicer "double hatched" pattern - feels no different in hand but visually it's a nice touch. I agree that the balance of the light doesn't really feel any different, actually maybe even a little better now and I can still hold it in my method for overhead without any change in feel.

Side note, in a separate order I also got a spare FT03 driver from them and it shipped the same way - I feel darn lucky that it arrived without damage because the plastic showed that it wasn't treated gently. Banggood really needs to take just a little care with shipping protection for items that could easily be broken or dented (especially now with their generally higher pricing and charging for shipping on many items...).

I was a bit shock when i receive mine too. Luckily mine was in perfect conditional after unpacked.

Bubble wrap is most idea to prevent shipping damages but it is not environmental friendly.

Same here. Saw the thin packaging and figured 50-50 they would be damaged, but they were ok.

Got mine yesterday, swapped and charged them all. Then played around all night with them. So far I think the slight length increase fits my hand a little better. No more hanging pinky.

True. I'm sure Sofirn, as a manufacturer, has more profit in selling direct as opposed to Banggood being a retailer, but Sofirn has always sent me drivers and some other parts in a small cardboard box (thin dual layer but substantial enough to protect in shipping), and that inside a paper envelope usually. Considering Banggood's higher pricing and the little bit of added time in preparing for shipment, I would think they could afford to package juuusssst a little bit better for these types of items. :) I'm happy to get the tube, though - thanks again very much for your efforts, Freeme! I hope Simon does the same for the M3. These larger cells seem to be a winner.