FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX 26800 Battery Tube for FT / EA Series Group Buy - ENDED

I'd say it's amounting to something right now. I'm not going to gauge new innovation based on what Simon is deciding/selling - he generally doesn't do new tech, but sticks to tried and true, which is fine.

Yeah… not waiting on Simon… ordered some stock… getting the Tooling together. My 2 RAW L6’s will be kik-ass with some Custom QB tubes…we’ll see…

RAW Convoy L2…

I luv it!

This turned out a bit shorter list than I thought it would be. In terms of performance from Mooch’s test and HKJ’s compared the 26800 should be brighter than the Samsung T40 but night quite T30 level. In the 26650 list it beats almost all batteries while having a higher capacity. So almost as bright as the 21700 T30 but more than twice the capacity. On the Nightwatch NSX4 XPH50.2 T30 gave 13000 lumens 26800 gave 11000.

I would be in for one Ea01 tube and one 26800.

Put me down for 2 26800.

I would have been interested, but no shipping to New Zealand in the last 2 months for batteries. I’m having to get 21700 adapters for all 26650 flashlights since the 26650 is harder to source from the US

add me for FT03 Tube + QB26800 6800mAh x 1

In two EA01S Tubes gray and black. And 3 QB26800 .

List updated.

Interested in one FT02S Tube + 2 batteries

anyone knows mf01 mini tube is same with ea?

Maybe instead of making a whole new tube they could make an extension tube that is added to the existing tube? If they design it well it would blend in with the main tube.

Just suggesting it because it may be cheaper and you could also add two tubes and use a 26980 battery.

Just need a deeper tail cap.

I did ask about manufacture cost last week. BG told me that it is only about a dollar difference for short and full size tube. Full size tube should eliminate any continuity issue that might arise during operation.

Thanks for checking that one tube design my preferred way. One less thread, looks more professional, no two piece color matching. However, Pennzy’s deeper tail cap idea is just clever outside the box thinking.

What about 26990 version?

Thank you for keeping on top of this freeme. It is much appreciated.

I agree, the single piece tube would be the best option, but Id be happy with whichever method they chose to accommodate the 26800. If they make the tubes, more people will become aware of the QB26800, its capabilities, price point, and want to buy.

One MF01 mini tube grey

One FT03 tube black

two 26800 batteries


Different. The battery that i conveniently grabbed from my desk happened to be faulty. What a blunder. Read Texas Shooter post.