FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX® MF01X 18*SFQ43 LEDs 21000lm 3*21700 USB-C Flashlight Group Buy - ALIVE frm $105

Does anyone know how many amps this will be drawing on turbo? Just curious so I know what he batteries will do what I’m this bad boy. Thanks.

Ordered 1 silver but the link for addtl handle is not working.

Definitely interested, I thought I already commented but now I cant find it.

This one?


Thank you for coupon, ordered Yesterday.

Freeme, Is there any max amps or sustained output data yet?

My sample not shipped out yet. Unable to verify at this point of time.

Any newer info on the driver? BTW the lanyard included is a joke for this flashlight. Why not the old one (MF01S)?

Interested, curious if it works with flat top batteries

The price of a luminous tube is some little funny joke, the original price in China is too 0.24- 0.32 dollars

You have to factor in shipping fee.

Yes, but if I have to buy 19 pieces and only one shipment, it makes a huge difference in the price $88,73 vs $5.12
I doubt that many people would buy it at such prices, it is expensive for me and it makes the light stays with holes for the dirt

I can buy glass tritium vials for less per unit than these GITD tubes. I’m wondering if there’s a confusion with combined shipping?

Anyway, I’m on the fence with this light at the moment. If it’s 6500k and I can’t bling a few slots for less than £80, then it’s a no.

Could we at least have a definite figure for CRI? I’m happy to throw my cash, but not at what appears to be a prototype.

I will report my findings. Most likely in early March.

Interested. Could I get a code please? Thanks!

Aww man, I was order #12 of these and mine says expected to ship March 3/4th I believe. In the flashlight realm, that’s like shipping 6 months later. How will I ever cope??? :smiley:

You got mail.

Requesting for a code please, thanks.