✌ FREEME - LUMINTOP FW3X 2800lm Lume1 Driver AUX RGB LED Flashlight

Seems a timed stepdown, but the light has a bigger demon. People please please please wait for my FWAA review before purchasing that too.

I ordered an FW3X, have some question about this flashlight:

What is the optic used on the FW3X?

On the original FW3A, it uses Carclo 10511 optic.

the image below shows my (one of the earliest batch of FW3A, with Carclo 10511 optic installed)

(left side = FW3X ; right side = FW3A with Carclo 10511)

It seems from the picture that the FW3X optic is a bit clearer than the one on my old FW3A… or it could be that my FW3A’s optic is old so it’s not so “clear”?
(I just remembered there is a Turboglow installed on this old FW3A, so it may have made the optic look more ‘frosted’?)

I have a reference picture before of 3 different optics on the FW3A, but I’m not sure if the one on the FW3X is the 10507 or 10511…
(10507 is notably ‘very clear’)


side note:
Using Anduril version check function, the Anduril version installed on this FW3X is 2020-02-24.
(I don’t see this Anduril version date in Toykeeper’s Anduril firmware repository though, which means will need to ‘save’ the pre-installed firmware in case I try to flash to another applicable firmware…).

My FWAA may be the exception, but my tail switch has worked perfectly everytime I have used it and it is my current EDC.

Is the rapid step-down from turbo problem an irreconcilable issue with the driver design? Or is there some possible update for this to provide the advantages of this Constant Current Buck-Boost & FET Driver while still giving about the same turbo time as a full FET architecture?

Hi there! Im super interested in FW3A with lume1 driver but is there any chance to get it with CREE xpl 7A / xpl hi U4 8A warm light?
Or maybe a nice xpl hi v2 5D (4000k) ?
How many people should ask this for this option appear? :money_mouth_face:

Doubt they will add any more CREE options.

this is a big loss, I was close to get my perfect flashlight.

And btw do anybody know where is it possible to order Black 18350 tube for this fw3x?

I’m having the same issue here I’m trying to update the firmware but nothing will flash and mine has the 0224 as well if you find out what it is shoot me a message

That soldering is soo bad!