FREEME ✌ Lumintop GT3 Mini 3* XHP50.2 26350/26650 EDC Flashlight - ALIVE

I'm curious of the models.

I presume it is 3V, as it is commonly used for single cell setup?

Not necessarily, especially with Lumintop. Astrolux/Mateminco commonly uses 3v for lights like this, but i feel that Lumintop is as likely to have a 6v or 12v setup.

6V would give a very big modding potential with all those nice(ish) 50.3 HI emitters and shaved HD 50.3's easily available.

This is exactly my thought. I have had a lot of excellent modifications and builds with the 50.3 HI and HD shaved dome emitters. I will not be interested in the GT3 mini in 3volt form.


Sample is on the way!


Test in progress.

I’m absolutely shure it has typical xhp50.2 3V. Don’t undertand why someone has hopes for 6v and boost driver…

I've also bought too many lights recently, but being divorced can afford them. $)

Heat is related to current, so higher voltage = less current = less heat.

Power = Current x Voltage;
Power remains constant (other than some loss in the boost circuit), so as Voltage rises Current decreases.

3V and I'll pass, 6V depends on the price/performance, 12V and I'm in.

Sorry but no
heat dissipation is measured in Watts.
It doesnt matter how you power your LED
A 3V LED at 2A has the same losses, a 6V LED at 1A has since both use 6W of power of which 3W get converted to heat

I could be mistaken, but thought the applicable formula for heat is (simplistically):

P = I^2 x R

so reducing current reduced heat greatly.

That formula is correct yes
But you only reduce the “lost” power in the wires to and from the LED but not the heat produced by the LED itself by doubling the voltage and halving the current

I would postulate that is underestimating Newton’s law of cooling, and that optical output increases with a decrease in temperature1,2,3.

1.) Thermoelectric Control of Deep UV LED to Improve Optical Performance, Pablo Fredes, Ulrich Raff, Ernesto Gramsch, Javiera Cuenca and Jose Pascal, Published: October 30th, 2019.

2.) Increasing voltage results in a dual benefit1: Thermal performance (optical output) and LED lifespan increase with a decrease in temperature.

3.) In theory there is a benefit of lower power consumption due to lower thermal loss, however this is offset to varying degree by boost driver circuit inefficiency (I will make a general assumption of 35% efficiency loss in this application).





Any chance of Anduril or even NarsilM?
