[♛ FreemeGB] Fireflies E07 7* Nichia/ SST20/ XP-L HI Emitters 21700 Flashlight Group Buy -【 New Copper+Titanium 】

No sure how to get ahold of either of them. I’m guessing I could find one of their posts.

I come back here and of course now I want more flashlights…can I have a code for the V3 version too pretty please?

I would also be interested in the code like I stated earlier :slight_smile:

Im also interested in banggood code thanks.

Hi, can I get code for BG?

Jack's username on BLF is Fireflies or you can email him at ff-light@hotmail.com

Neals email is Nealsgadgets@hotmail.com

Interested. Could you please PM me the BG code? Thank you in advance.

thanks for code, order placed.

Well great, now it’s in stock but the clear version isn’t available. Some day I’ll get what I want.

Good luck with that. I sent Jack a message asking about V3 availability on BLF, e-mail, Facebook (someone recommend this) and in a comment on my purchase for the E07. Never received one reply from any of the four contact methods, been over a month now. I feel the E07 is great and own a P47 as well, but communication was zero.

order placed, thanks!

strange it was yesterday for me the clear when i ordered.

Hello, is still possible to have the code for the discount? I don’t know where I need to use the codes in the first post.

Is there a better code available? The original post shows pricing around $49.99 but the best codes I’ve found work out to:
E07 Nichia $57.97
E07 XPL $66.17

Still hoping there are some better codes out there?

send pm to freeme in first post, he will give the best code he has.

I have… still waiting :frowning:

yea ok, i still waiting for bang good to ship out my e07 since 02-19, seems they are out of stock on all models right now.

I’m right there with you! I ordered an ROT66 with Nichia 219B on Feb 5th from BG and a PL47 from NG on Feb 5th also.

:weary: unfortunately neither order has shipped 22 days later…

I’m still just hoping they’ll even fill my order for the ROT66 with the 219B’s considering nobody except BG lists 219B for sale anymore

FYI - Banggood just changed the expected in stock date from 3rd March to 8th March….oh and I dont see a button anymore anywhere to cancel order….I could have sworn the WAS one.