French Press Coffee Thread

i was adding the salt afterwards so that might be the difference.

There was a difference in taste with a pinch of salt but not necessarily in a good way. i suppose it should be weighed out on some digital scales, but mine were confiscated in the last raid.

Alton Brown is fun to watch and a serious chemist—he is the Walter White on the Cooking Channel.

yeah, lots of respect to Alton. i do disagree on the temperature limit, and prefer to prevent the bitter rather than treat it.
also he ‘jump starts’ cold brews with hot water. :person_facepalming:

I have a Mazzer Royal grinder….which I bought used. I got interested in making espresso during lockdown and quickly found I needed a good grinder. Everyone was obsessing over Niche Zero and paying more than retail to get one quickly….which is not something I’m prepared to do.
My Mazzer has a mini hopper but is still too big to go under the kitchen cabinet so I keep it in my home office.

Yep, I do that too. Eggshells, a little salt, and some cinnamon. Then sweeten to taste.

Yep, not all IPA’s are created equal. Some are just SO HOPPY, I can’t acclimate to the bitter. Sometimes get indigestion from it. But some IPA’s can be delicious. I have had a blood orange IPA in the past. Good ones aren’t easy to come by. Speaking of grapefruit, I had one flavored lager with it and really enjoyed it. Crisp & a little sweet.

My way is to put wipping cream that was shaken a bit . It fizzle while pouring . Remove bitterness and not bad for my blood sugar level .

In this modern day and age of regrigeration is there really any need for hops in beer?

Never heard of adding eggshells but that’s an interesting approach to the bitter in coffee.

! !

Been drinking this—-it’s Ok
My new grinder is great.
Both on Amazon.
FYI You won’t need a gym or juice with that grinder; it is a workout, just switch appendages when one gets wore out.
It does work well though. :weary:

Not if you want everything to be like Budwiser. There are so many kinds of hops and ways to use them in brewing…not everything is bitter or super fragrant or over the top like most IPAs. Some varieties are very subtle, especially if added after the wort boil instead of during. They’re the main reason you get a frothy head but they also help to avoid off flavors that can be a natural evolution after bottling (not spoilage, per se, and it’s different than the antimicrobial aspects of hops in that regard).

sounds like we need a beer thread. :beer:


Thought my blender-grinder busted. Loaded up, keep pressing the button, and nuttin’. Unplug, replug (socket?). Uncap, recap (interlock?). Still nuttin’. Balls.

Kfine, so I get my manual burr-grinder, wash out the cup, rinse the innards with water, shake it angrily to try to dry it out asap.

Load with the beans I already poured, end up with a not-insignificant fraction of the beans on the countertop and floor. :confounded: Still overflows the grinder. Double-ach.

Start cranking away, feed the floaters still atop the handle-part as room allows. Got my daily workout grinding away the assload of beans I apparently use. Thinking of just using my drill to get it done more quickly next time. Urg.

Ground ’em all, yay. Made the coffee. The grind looks pretty consistent, not powder, but still ended up with that “gremo” floating on top, and silty coffee. Oh, well.

Looked at my spinny-grinder… ok, lookit that. I saw a hairline crack on the cap a long time ago, right near the hollow in the already-thin wall that presses in the interlock tab. The crack apparently spread, and weakened that area so it now sticks out a bit, and doesn’t press in the tab. Uncap, spin 180°, recap, and it works fine. :person_facepalming:

Wellp, either gotta reinforce that area near the split, bypass the damned interlock, or just make sure that I index it the “right” way from now on when putting on the cap.

Soooooooo… the manual grinder works fine, the grind looks consistent, but is still silty.

I’d rather not go too coarse, because I don’t want to waste any caffeiny goodness, and I don’t want to have to wait too long so that the coffee cools down too much.

Ah! The fine art of crafting a devil’s brew. Hadaka apron

Brewing good coffee isn’t all that hard.

Good brewer, decent beans and a grind appropriate to the brewing method.



…just annoying.

I’m starting to miss my deceased Mr Coffee.

I’d much rather just plop out the filter with coffee crap in it and soap out the basket, than have to pour the coffee-sludge into the garbage bag and hope there isn’t a pinhole at the bottom, then wash the FP thoroughly (plunger and pitcher), empty the screen-thingy in the drain that catches the strays, etc.

Yes, it’s not hard to do for a decent cup of coffee. But if you want to reach for better, a great cup of coffee, that takes some work. The right brewing method, water quality, water temperature, grind of beans, and of course a great quality bean. And of course, appropriate brewing time.

I don’t find it hard or terribly inconvenient to scoop out grinds from the french press beaker, give it a quick scrub with a soapy pad, and use a jet spray on the wire mesh to dislodge grains of coffee left behind. Less than 30 seconds. Usually the grinds aren’t very wet at that point, so no worries about leakage. If the grinds are a bit wet, you can always drain it off in the sink.

new post, sandwiched between older posts. color me confused. lol

Filter or press, making good coffee for one isn’t efficient . I end up reheating witch is bad .

Anyone else get really into the fancy coffee mode and buy several varieties of good beans and a new grinder and really gettin’ into it and then something happens and you lose your commitment and you find yourself digging through the closet looking for the Keurig and some pods? I hate when that happens.

I have been using an Aeropress for many years. I bought a stainless steel filter (its just a metal disc with tiny holes) and it makes for a super convenient solution.
The original plunger has long worn out and been replaced with a silicone one.

Cleaning is a breeze, I let it sit and before I want to get my second cup of the day the sludge has cooled off and falls out as a moist and compact disc. Just rinse the filter - done.

Naw. I get into a coffee rut but it stays with.

Just ordered some 8:00 corfee beans to try. Been a staple when I was a kid, tried some a few years ago and liked ’em, wondering if they’re the same, so went’n’ordered a bag. Will see later this week…

I don’t bother with those pods ’cause generally you can only stuff so much into ’em, and I like mine a mite powerful.

Been using my manual grinder vs the automatic blender-thingy, so that’s “splurging” for me.