FT Generic EA4

Thanks, Johnny
Was doing this on the iPad , then tried the PC, but you had fixed it already

We’re did I go wrong?

They have no clear way to link an image without loading a Dropbox page around it. I opened the page source code and extracted the file location. Once I had that I could post a direct link.

Thanks will remember for next time, perhaps I must use the drop box public folder instead

I’ve just noticed the emitter star is actually loose , floating on thermal paste, and the plastic collar is tight , so to remove the collar is a little tricky?
Ideas anyone to remove the collar?

None of your links work, I always use Imageshack and post direct link, always worked fine ;)!

I opened up DL link in separate tab and it worked.

Looks like build quality is as poor as in the 30$ model.

I think the two lights are junk, unless a modder has some insight to change the driver and get away from a useless UI and the fact it won’t run on NiMh batteries.

I might just keep mine as spares for my EA4.

Allright, thanks for that summary :D!

“JUNK”…. agreed. Unless someone loves the strobe feature, then this flashlight is for them.

I like the 2 second press to TURBO. Now if they had a 2 second to OFF, then I can deal. I really wish it did.