Fun with UV Flashlights

Back in 2012, I lived in a location with a heavy population of scorpions. I posted about using my Manafont purchased P60 dropin to hunt for and eliminate them. I posted about it here:

… but had unfortunately hosted the pics on Photoblechet and they aren’t viewable now. I caught over 80 scorpions on one single night using that light. We have since moved, now living about 10 miles from that location, and I haven’t seen a scorpion since.

Since then, I’ve built a nice 365nm light with one of the pass filters. It’s fun, but doesn’t see much use. I took it to the beach one time to see if I could find anything but was disappointed. I did find a small stone that fluoresced faintly under the UV, but it wasn’t anything of value (like the amber hunters find in Europe).

I also have a funky UV triple I built with some cheaper emitters, but it’s pretty worthless.