I should probably go ahead and get another one since I’d like one in the first batch and it sounds like the high CRI will be further down the road. So if you can put me down for two instead of 1 like in my original post. Thanks for all the amazing work guys!
People have been wondering about the color of the clip. So… here’s an attempt to show how it looks. It’s a little tricky to get good pictures of reflective objects, so I took a few from different angles. Some pictures are underexposed to avoid making the clips appear pure white.
The light and dark pattern in some pics is a reflection of window blinds.
Laying flat, reflecting a darker part of the room:
So the color really depends on the angle and depends on what else is nearby. It’s some sort of smokey chrome finish.
If I could interject an interlude of indeterminate interpersonal interplay into the interim of our interminable waiting process, I’ve intercepted a message which it seems I need to internalize. Pardon the interruption if it is not of interest.
One of life’s great questions is how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. But one of life’s other great questions, it seems, is how many times people have to tell me something before it gets through my thick skull. :innocent:
I’ve been dragging my feet about this, but I hear you. And I finally Did The Thing.
I haven’t been able to get any responses from Fritz since last year though, so I don’t really have a way to do a team donation thing… but I can at least set up a way for people to help me out a bit.
As it turns out, safely receiving money like this is more complicated than it might seem. So I went with Patreon, since they eliminate most of the risk and also provide some ways for people to be more actively engaged.
They use a subscription model, which is great for those who want to stay involved but a little awkward for one-time gifts. For a one-time thing, it means subscribing, waiting until one charge has happened, and then unsubscribing. Which is totally okay; I just hope it won’t be too much of an inconvenience for people. Fortunately, it happens on the first of each month, which is coming up soon so people won’t have to remember very long.
For people who would like to stay involved though, it has its own system for news and polls and messages and such, to make sure the people who really care are heard. And that can be used however people want. Maybe that could be a filtered feed for updates which are interesting or useful, maybe a place to tell me what to do next, maybe something else entirely. But you can be sure I’ll be paying close attention to what people there want.
Yes. Kaidomain states in their listing they are FB4, J4.
Intl-Outdoor states theirs are FB4, J5, and these are presumably the same that ship in Emisar lights.
The J5 output bin is suspected to tend to be slightly more green even within the same tint bin than the J4, so if you like your Emisars, then a light with J4’s should look as good or very slightly better.
You did good setting that up TK……
that’s just what you and folks that want to contribute needed……
I really like the …… “you should probably just hire me” tier ……
but will probably be on the “pay as you go” plan.
For anyone interested in modding their FW3A with Nichia 219B emitters, I added a new build target for that purpose. It’s the same as normal, except the FET modes are limited to 50% power even on turbo. This should help prevent damage to the emitters.