Thank you, that is very kind of you. :+1: :beer:
At worst it will be until next March (seasonal) I got 2 weeks in this year…… best case it will be in August, but I think we are being a bit optimistic there.
You have my word this will go ahead when I am back on my financial feet - no one will need to re- enter. But I will re-open it later.

G0OSE, it is just my opinion, but I think that considering the circumstances you could cancel the GAW altogether. I would not mind at all. Take care, be safe and I hope everything goes well for you and those close to you.

Thanks Don, appreciated.
Maybe it would be better to cancel it for now and restart afresh when things change - I have actually got the job, I’m just not employed lol.
As soon as it opens I’ve been assured I’ll be the first back - they also (Namco) promised us 20% of entire lost income for the season as a bonus at the end.
Which I thought was a nice gesture.

Hey G0OSE, I hope your situation gets better soon! Keep your heads up there mate! :+1:

Just let the GAW go, no problem at all here :wink:

Thanks MascaratumB :slight_smile:

Agreed 100%. We had the enjoyment of ranting about nothing, so we all consider it a success. Best of luck to you

Don’t worry about the GAW. It was a bit of a change of pace if I may say so.

Hang in there man!


Such a best whing. Possibly winner detected.


Keep yourself.

:+1: Hopefully everything gets back to normal soon!

Thank you all for you kind and understanding words. :+1:

I kinda feel bad for calling you a whinging pom when you just lost your job, so I apologize if I offended you.

I hope you can pull through this.

Keep safe out there, everyone!

Oh man… when it rains it pours. Really sorry to hear that, we’re all rooting for you.

Good luck on your new job search, don’t worry about the GAW!

I’m a whinging POM because i am cute=)

Hang in there Goose, we’re rooting for you!

Nothing lasts for ever, there is always a flashlight at the end of the tunnel. Or an oncoming train. I just hope it’s a short tunnel.