##GB- Trevi Groupbuy: NEW CONVOY S9. 12,99 USD. Active NOW. ✋


I am in



Pd: too late?

In. If it is not too late.

Please add me to the group buy if this is still active. Thanks.

May I have the coupon code? Thank you.

This is actually interesting to me. Near UV lights work great for hydrocarbon leak detection on vehicles. Too bad I don’t qualify.

Late as usual… but if there is a code left- I’ll take it! Thx…

In if not too late, thanks!

Interested, thanks!

Code appreciated is available . Thanks

I'm interested in this if still available please!


It has been 3 weeks since Trevi logged in. I’m not sure where he has gone.


Interested (although pretty late to the party).

I just bought one for my snake light project. IF it is decent for a non flashaholic ( I used Sc600’s on my snakelights) then I will move forward and make 10 lights.
I have a lot of the materials purchased, I am just trying to keep the project price under $50 (some materials paid for by work).
Light $16, magnet $9, clamp $1, battery $4, decent usb charger $8…hell thats under $40

Is this still available?

Cheers ^:)

Trevi is absent for about 2 months… :frowning:

Don’t know if anyone here has any clue about him! I hope he is fine…