GearBest Giveaway for April Fool's Day (first winner is picked )

1. what’s the most funny thing happend in your April Fool’s Day
I don’t know what is “April Fool’s Day” :confused: But in April, one funny thing could be… i can’t remember nothing.

2. which flashlight’s appearance you like most and why
I like tactical appearance, i like the convoy x3 for that and for the use of AA batteries.

3. what’s your suggestions for GearBest 3rd anniversary celebrations of the Next Year or what’s your favorite anniversary celebrations from other places and why
I think you could celebrate with gift cards, some prices like 10$, 20$, 30$ or 40$, in some categories. People could buy what they want.

Congratulations WalkIntoTheLight :partying_face:

Thanks. I’ve put in my order for the Manker T01, and when I get it, I’ll give a quick review. I know there’s a lot of reviews on the pre-production units, so I’ll try to give my opinions on this (production) version. Specifically, I’m interested in comparing it to a similar light I have, the Zebralight SC5w.

Great! I hope to read your review very soon :smiley:

Here’s to you, WITL :beer:

Congratulations to the winner!

Okay, the light finally arrived! Thanks for the prize!

I made a review for it, here .