GearBest Giveaway for Christmas & New Year ( Prize: Acebeam K40M and Skilhunt H02,Congratulations to the winners )

Congratulations Sesgum.You pipped me by 6 minutes :wink:

3. Wealth, health, and love.

wow... sesgum.. a lucky guy you are! great!

First time ever for me to win a flashlight! Thanks GB!

1. Too late for that one

2. Bed heater - gets cold here in winter!

3. Win the lottery (like THAT is going to happen!)

Thanks for the opportunity GB and Happy New year to all!

1. congratz sesgum! the skilhunt H02 is a good light!

i am in for the K40M!

2. i had fun with the HO-HO-HOOOliday giveaway - the price went to Istanbul, turkey

3. i wish to stay healthy to my family and all of you! (then that terrorism stops and people around the world start to be tolerant…)

2. Good Health

3. -

2. Perfect gift for zombie fans :smiley:
3. I wish everyone to be healthy and happy :heart_eyes:

2. Flashlights, & More flashlights

3. Happiness, Health, Peace, and Prosperity to everyone in 2015

Thank You Very Much,


*1. Acebeam K40M

2. singfire sf-348

3. One son*


1. Tk75
2. Any flashlight
3. Promotion at work

Count me in door, please!


I hope to find a decent plumber for the new house!

2014-2015 GB Xmas-New Year Giveaway-Pt2

1—LED Flashlight.

2—Great Health & Life Longevity

3—Find out the truth and meanings of the
biggest mysteries in worldwide history.

1. Klarus RS11

2. Transformers generations lockdown [for nephew not me]

3. Everyone to be that bit closer to their families this year

1. Olight M2X-UT Javelot
2. Acebeam K40M
3. long healthy life

1. K40M

2. Not a really gift, but I like to see my whole family, eat and have fun. It's more important as gifts :)

3. A nice job, which I really like (not the job I have at the moment)

1. Missed the boat
2. Cash for my kids in college
3. Health and happiness for family and friends!

Congratulations to the jerryg, :party: , win the second prize of the Acebeam K40M, please contact with CSgearbest on BLF to get the prize, PM with your GearBest account.

congrats Jerry!

now the kinfire has a light to compete :wink:

what a great price :beer: thanks gearbest!

Congrats, jerryg! 8)