Gearbest: Lots of orders missing, looking for advice

Sent CSgearbest message this week asking to make refund to Paypal account for 3 undelivered orders, refund received.

Orders were over 100 days in transit :D!

That is the best advice anyone could give.Stay away from gear best.Con artists at an extreme level

I’ve had pretty good results with Gear Best TBH.

Wanna know what REALLY blows?
When an order from Gear Best was shipped out in a reasonable amount of time, you wait the three weeks for the tracking to confirm that the item has landed at your local post office……all prepared for delivery of your large quantity order of high capacity 3000mAh 18650 batteries….

Then weeks go by and the item STILL shows it’s at your LOCAL post office….UN-delivered….and they can’t find it.

Honest mistake….ruptured LiIo….or sticky fingered postal employee?
Postal Employee Theft Ring

What it boils down too

Unless you buck up, and pay for tracking, odds are, you have more of a chance that YOUR package will disappear, after it lands in the US and gets to customs.

How convenient. happens every day, thousands upon thousands of times....packages mysteriously disappear.

And you have proof of nothing to argue to the seller, as the purchaser, aside form "you paid for it..where is it?" You did your part (bought) they did their part (shipped)

Without tracking...

The buyer paid.

The seller shipped.

Beyond that, if the package does not get to the destination, who's at fault?

YOU. For accepting "free shipping" as a guarantee you will receive.

There is not guarantee if the package can not be logged into the system.

Once it reaches customs...POOF

Research educates the un-educated. Cover your a$$etts. Pay for tracking.


What it boils down too

Unless you buck up, and pay for tracking, odds are, you have more of a chance that YOUR package will disappear, after it lands in the US and gets to customs.

How convenient.

Yes…it happens every day, thousands upon thousands of times….packages mysteriously disappear.

And you have proof of nothing to argue to the seller, as the purchaser, aside form “you paid for it…where is it?” You did your part (bought) they did their part (shipped)

Without tracking…

The buyer paid.

The seller shipped.

Beyond that, if the package does not get to the destination, who’s at fault?

YOU. For accepting “free shipping” as a guarantee you will receive.

Not really. At least in the USA.
Most credit card companies (including PayPal) don’t see it like that. If you ship something without tracking, then you cannot prove you ever shipped it.
“Saying” you shipped something is not good enough.
Buyer can say they never received it and 9 times out of 10, the buyer will get his or her money back.
Tracking protects the seller, not the buyer. Unless you paid cash or MO……in which case you’re screwed.

Exactly correct. It’s the seller’s responsibility to safely deliver the package. “Customer didn’t pay for tracking number” is no excuse. Many chinese sellers don’t build in the cost of a tracking number so their product appears cheaper than another chinese seller. Companies like Jaxman don’t give you a choice. You pay the shipping cost (which includes tracking), or you don’t buy it.

+1 If tracking is available for only slight bit more I think its worth it. I agree it would be nice if delivery was guaranteed regardless of how items were shipped, but when its my money on the line I would really rather just take a little extra precaution to avoid problems.

On a side note about US postal service theft. I had a package worth just under a thousand dollars shipped in the us priority mail. The box was opened, the contents removed and replaced with about a bottle of sun tan lotion. It was shipped from a company that I have worked with for years, that sells one product exclusively so I doubt it was a switch or mistake on their end.

I’m not saying this was a post office theft, (at the time I figured they had several broke open packages and just refilled each with what ever was available).

For my 900+ dollar package the post office paid me $50. When I contacted the distributor about it they were as baffled as I was, and assured me that is not what they shipped. They did offer me $350 worth of product so that I could at least ship product to the customers who were already paid and waiting on it. I thought that was reasonable of them since all they had to go on that it was lost was my word.

EDIT: Still not saying for sure this was a theft, but just now I read that article and I see my package was shipped from within about 14 miles of one of the locations mentioned there :confounded: Thank you to the FBI for getting these crooks off the street :+1:

I think much has improved regarding buying from China.
I gave up the hobby for some 2 years because too many things didn’t arrive or were not as described.
Since i’m back in LED land everything has arrived, items are as described or i was refunded.
I guess it has to do with Paypal buyer protection, but also (perhaps even more) because the sellers need a decent reputation to be successful at persuading buyers to buy again.