Getting Started in Programming?

So I think I want to get into programming, but I really have little clue where to start. I’ve read over some of the info in the wiki on the ATtiny13 but I’m still mostly confused. Only background in programming I have is a little bit of basic HTML I messed around with several years ago. Is there a resource that is kind of a guide? I have tried a forum search without much luck. Something to just get my feet wet in it, and maybe explain some of the jargon, and then I can normally figure things out from there. Not afraid to spend a few dollars on some hardware, or even get my hands dirty and build some hardware either. I do have a soldering iron, though I am not very good at it (haven’t exactly needed to be good at it yet haha). I have some understanding of basic electrical/electronics, such as capacitors, resistors, LEDs, and have wired up many a basic circuit, though only a few have been on boards (most have been wiring up of lights in vehicles). Any and all help is greatly appreciated, and many thanks in advance!

just use the google bar in the top left corner and search “ATtiny”

Thanks! I have read the first link a few times, I will get to reading the other two threads.

First step is to accumulate & sort out the pieces needed to flash somebody else's firmware onto a driver - so a SOIC clip, USB AVR programmer, various cables and such, figuring out the correct wiring, getting familiar with the software needed to flash the driver.

Next would be taking someone else's firmware in .c/.txt form, compiling it in Atmel Studio, and flashing that.

Then editing someone else's code and compiling/flashing.

Only once that stuff is second nature are you ready to tackle writing anything from scratch (that's a whole different mountain to climb on its own, one even I'm not ready to try yet).

I like the thought process of that, and is kind of what i was leaning towards doing. I’ve got the USBasp and SOIC clip in my cart on ebay (for a total of $10.28USD, are there any better deals out there?) and just waiting for a check to come in to pull the trigger. I’ve got a “Super Bright XM-L2” P60 drop in that isn’t properly functioning so I plan on making it my first project.