Giveaway - Modded FandyFire S3 from LightsCastle - Closed - we have a Winner!

I would love to get my grubby lil paws on a mod from the famed Old-Lumens!

Thanks O_L. Count me in.

Thanks O-L.

I’m in thanks it looks very nice.

Add me to the list!


I am in,thanks.

Cool thanks I’m in.

Thanks OL, I’m in.

Thanks OL! I’m in, and if I win, I promise no round-the-world trips this time!

Thanks, i’m in…

I’m in :bigsmile:

since it’s a liion light, I will gladly take it off you :slight_smile:

Thanks Old-Lumens, I’m in.

Thank you

Thanks OL, I’m in.

Nice (and probably easy) mod. Count me IN.

Count me in, please! :bigsmile:

Thanx OL!

Please count me in. Thanks

I am in!!!

Very nice, I'm in.