Giveaway, Pioneer C8, courtesy of Banggood - We have a Winner!

Crossing my fingers!

I’m in. Thanks!

Count me in, thanks.

Where I live there are no streetlights, and the smallest block is 5 acres so a C8 fits the neighbourhood.

Possibly I will have the lucky number. Thank you for the opportunity.

Thank you! I’m in. :slight_smile:

I’m in.

I’m in…thanks

I have never seen a well made c8; I am curious to see this one, if you liked the build quality it has to be great! count me in, please

Hi OL, please count me in, Thanks, T

Count me in and thank you very much OL. :beer:

…I’d take one of those!

Im in, hope it comes with a 3xaaa adapter. hehe

Before number 10 holds a better chance ? thanks. seen that review, tempted to change a better driver into it.

Count me in

Thank you,

I’m in.

Ps. Thanks for the review/giveaway and thanks to banggood for the light.

I’m always in.
Much mahalo!

Thanks OL.

Please count me in. Thanks.