Giveaway, Pioneer C8, courtesy of Banggood - We have a Winner!

I’m in. Thanks!

Count me in please!

In. thanks

Count me in

Pls also count me in. thx

Thanks for the giveaway OL, count me in :wink:

Well here goes nothing… count me in!

Thanks for the opportunity!

Count me in

I think ive been here long enough to apply for this one… 0:)

Giving away lights that you’ve reviewed?
That’s pretty noble I must say, props to you OL.

I’m in! Thanks!

I am in, thanks

I’m in.
Thanks :slight_smile:

In for this one also, thanks again OL!

I’m in for the Pioneer flashlight giveaway.
Thanks very much.

No I am not intresested in this light just wanted to say kudos to Old-Lumens for giving it away lottery style.

Count me in please, thanks for the giveaway.

Totally would lego with my Convoy C8s if I win ;)

I’m in

Count me in.