Giveaways! - GEARBEST's 6th Anniversary - Winners posted in OP and post 128--important announcement post 144

No matter why… GAW organizers should post why prizes arent shipped.

Always is better to know the truth than “hidding”

Though from an earlier GAW (11/11) I’ve experienced the same treatment.
It appears that in the wake of COVID GB is no longer the smooth sailing ship it once was.
Mistakes were made, and things were said. And I doubt if it gets any better.
Think of it as two ships passing in the night. GB is going another way. And we stay on track.

By looking at the models, and the actual availability, I think GB is stepping away from flashlights.
Prices are certainly not competitive any more and the new brands they introduce aren’t budget either.

From now on I will also consider GB only as a seller of last resort.

I think cargo capacity is limited due to lack of flights (actual cargo aircraft are now required). They need to see where the profit comes from as they have to pay for their overhead/liabilities. There were a few sales on AE/GB in the last months and I looked through them. Almost all items now require several dollar in shipping (excluding insurance and express), many budget items were dropped and even regular items are now more expensive.

what is happening?