Good Book Thread

Read that earlier this year, excellent book.
Read the Martian shortly after this, was good but I just finished Project Hail Mary and liked it better.
Have Bob in my kindle TBR

I read first one in high school about 30 years ago….not the greatest but wasn’t awful, but somehow I think you want to read it to see if its overly Captain Kirky?

I’ve actually been meaning to read the Star Trek novels for a long time. I bet Wrath of Khan would be pretty wicked. “ He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates 2 dimensional thinking.…”

I vaguely recalled the series and movies (Shatner was in both), and wanted to czech out the source books.

Not bragging

I picked up a first edition Dune at a garage sale a few years ago for pennies. When I noticed that was the case I was afraid to mess it up so I still haven’t read it.

Love the movie so one of these days I’ll have to get a copy of the book I can actually touch.

That’s incredible! That’s gotta be worth at least $1,200. Maybe way more. Not that you’d ever want to sell something like that

The book is incredible. I’m a huge fan of the original movie too, but I think it was a box office failure at the time.