Goodbye C Drive

The driver updating software is what caused the hard drive to not boot.

There is nothing wrong with the hard drive.

It is a SSD.

I have plenty of hard drives to backup to.

I just hadn't backed up the SSD since December.

That problem has been resolved.

I keep OS and drivers etc on 250gig SSD IN machine.

2 terra external for everything else.
Plus an old 1 terra Backup set on Auto.

ALL modern laptops have a reset button to reset back to factory basics.
My Dell is zero and Start. Then just update the drivers you want it too.

Do NOT format the drive.
unless you load ALL the drivers from MFG for THAT Individual Laptop
ALL or them. They ALL vary with factory contents.

I reset mine around every 3 or 4 months .
Keeps it clean and fairly tidy.

I Use Bitdefender Total for security, for well over ten yrs.
Recommended by my bank Manager (a fishing mate)

NEVER. EVER had a hiccup in any of the 5 machines
I can cover on basic payment.

PC. Lappie. Tablet. 2 x Samsung Phones.
And I go Everywhere I’m NOT supposed to on Internet.

ALL Banking is linked to a DEBIT card in a Bank
other than the one with my accounts in.
I just keep enuff money on it to cover this months bills
ALL set for same date.
Auto Transfer that figure coupla days b4 due.
to clear it.
Then my $40 a month spending money.
For toys.

I agree, I have a spare SSD in my machine that I clone my C to periodically. Just change the boot drive in bios iffn a problem.

($40…… hmm I must petition an increase in my allowance)

Backups are very important.

Backups, backups, backups.