As requested reflector depth of this light :
I am a newbie, but the head diameter indeed matters, so also the depth.
with that deep reflector it should out throw all stock C8 past & present!!
Please +1 more for me.
Depth don't matter - I've proven it myself after several disappointing results with deep reflector lights. All it does is reduce the flood width. Funny, because the center spot will appear to be brighter, more concentrated on a white wall but measured on the meter or in real use outdoors, there's no gain.
I know of no evidence that proves otherwise - we've talked bout this, and backed up with tests a few times over the years. For example, the classic HD2010 is a proven thrower, and has a very shallow reflector.
No offence you are the man and proven it but I do have the several classic HD2010 and they are a class in their own, within budget with great throw and useful spill +great thermal conductivity.
I once owned a cheapo light from DX with crappy built, dirty plastic lens 40mm widhtx55mm depth lens and it out throws the HD2010s and all my C8s modded/stock, of course the spill was useless.
So IMHO with the depth & width (reflector) of the Brinyte B58U it should be a no brainer.
Correct me if I am wrong been a newbie.
Well, that could be true, but depends on the LED's you are comparing, amps, etc. I got a Crelant 7G9 deep reflector - nothing that good for throw, I got 3 to 4 deep reflector C8's - no good, and the TrustFire 168A which is a very deep reflector light, here on DX:, which was also a big disappointment for throw, though again, it looks great on a white wall. I'm think'n the deep reflector lights focus the beam at a closer distance than shallower reflectors, and that's why they appear to have a brighter hot spot than shallow reflector lights.
If you really compared your 40 mm head light beam at 100+ meters against those other lights, focused on a small object, and it truly appeared brighter, than you got a very special light in deed. But by eye, it can be very deceiving. I just read in the TN42 thread that someone commented the beam of a 400 kcd light looked brighter than a 700 kcd light, and I could almost agree, but we were looking at a really big object, a building wall or something, and the lower performing light lit up the entire wall, but the TN42 lit up just a spot - it's very hard to differentiate the brightness of only the hot center spot - that's why I say you have to compare them on a small object. The light meters, of course, tell you really what's goin on.
The deep reflector lights will have more light concentrated in it's spill area then a shallow reflector, so the surrounding area of the hot spot will be brighter. It can all be very deceptive, but if you try to go out to the max range of several 100 meters, trying to light up something light (white) colored and small, you should see the difference.
I’m interested.
If I could ask for don’t post links to other light, comparing etc because no one own this lights and I don’t want to engage in speculation.
If someone owns it, he is welcome to post anything because all we want to to hear first-hand information about it, and no one want speculation because we don’t know it is correct or not. So this is groupbuy manu info is there so simply you want this light or not, thanks !
yea, sure. There's no speculation in published specs, just say'n.
I`m in for one
Sorry for incorrect information, but I get that info from factory, and now when marketing team inquire a little better in a part for the production the correct information is that light use Nanjg 105c driver, sorry but it was not my mistake I do not get the correct information from seller.
I’m interested. Put me down please.
I’m interested.
Ok, we don’t collect required number of interests but lamp is however in STOCK now :laughing: , thanks to people from GB.
There is 2 problems, first is stock is limited, and second with code only one lamp per account, we have not gathered enough number of interested people so I think this is OK.
And price is even better that I promise it is only $19.49 with code instead of $20.49 that I told !
So I will PM all interested members with code and all detail, so grab yours while stocks last
PM sent to all, enjoy people.
If someone want to buy it, here can be purchased :
If someone want’s code for price under 20$, PM me.
If someone wants more than one there is a code to lower price for about 5.5$ = LIG18OFF
Already placed order for one only due to the Limit, will place for more with the New Code…
Any chance of getting the red & green filters?
Probably that there are chances, but now are 11.11 and all are busy with promotions…
Lets wait some more time I propose that light arrives.
Received the light today, thanks Gearbest for the Ultra fast shipping (or am I the lucky one!!!)
Really satisfied with the light, well built like the B158 and it’s a thrower with the deep, deep reflector.
Just tested & it is out throwing all my humble collection of throwers except my Maxlight Sniper.
That was lightning fast shipping.
And that are great news ! Thank you for sharing it, after I see your post I can not wait my to arrive