GROUP BUY CANCELED AGAIN. Blackshadow Terminator T70

Count me in for sure

It’ll be a T70 for me, screw only having 3 emitters!!!


Count me in (only if hit 30)

Also, free shipping internationally?

yeah… it’s kind of refund but in 10 coupons :Sp but better than nothing I guess…: )

yes, shipping is free and includes tracking

The thread can be used to mount the flashlight on a tripod? If the answer is yes, the only thing I miss is a lowest mode.

Very tempting for $ 82

Im thinking about it.

hmm im not sure - maybe some other members could confirm this?

Tripod confirmed:

But bad news, about 2500 lumens according to this man.

Pics from JohnnyMac here:

Still thinking…

i would think its more than 2500 lumens - that review on cpf doesnt have any hard data to back up his guestimate of 2500 lumens - im not saying hes wrong - but hes just comparing side by side

johnny mac should do a full review with actual sphere lumen measurements soon and can confirm :slight_smile:

Surely 4 XM-L2’s are putting out more than 2500 lumens?! I’d be very disappointed if it was only slightly brighter than my black SRK which has 1 less emitter and the older XML U2’s.

from the cpf review:

I just received one today, bought from the only USA dealer I could find, a CPF member dealer in San Jose, CA. This is the older model with the switch on the handle rather than the new T70 version with the switch on the light body. Now out of stock per their web site so apparently I got one of the last ones, so the next ones they get in may be the new model. It was listed as a May special sale item so probably being clearanced due to the new versions coming.

old version! not 2500 lumens on the t70!

Even the older T6 version was 3500 lumens apparently?

Sorry, my fault. Hope more output for the new version.

no problem - the review was confusing to me too :slight_smile:

there was some variations in the older version in output IIRC - they were corrected once the U3 version came out - johnny mac reviewed both models

my u3 version was hella bright - i ended up selling it because of the pwm on low which has been corrected in this model :slight_smile:

Johnnymac measures around 2700 lumens on old Terminator:

A lot of numbers and measurements in the thread, a bit confusing.

and 3044 on the u3 version :slight_smile:

Ok, count me in (only if hit 30)


Very excited for this GB, really hope we get to 30 so it’s a bit cheaper for all of us

The GB price IS $90 until they get 30 buyers, then it drops to $82

Looks like we are getting damn close to 30, so I will jump in hoping that it may encourage some others to jump in, so put me down if we now have the magical 30.

Woohoo, 3 more to go everyone!!!