"Group Buy" Interest: Q8 MCPCB for Luxeon V/SST40/XML/XHP50 Emitters

Wondered how should a GIT printed centering ring should work, because I know only PLA GIT.
I googled and found out there is ABS GIT filament.

Thank you guys!

Im pretty sure the one i have for my xhp70 is PLA…

Pure PLA kann get weak from 40 degree Celsius on. Blends have higher glass temperatures.
I would rather use ABS in a hot running light.

When I first looked in to this I was thinking the same thing but there are a lot of people already using this on triples and quads under TIRs (D4,S2+ mods,etc). I also read ABS is much harder to work with in parts of this size so ultimately I’m not sure either is ideal.

Would it make any sense at all to print a single “ring” that one could use for their Q8 that “centers” all four emitters? Since the MCPCB and the reflector will dictate LED location and orientation anyway, I’d think tolerance issues would be non-existent. So, a single piece should be a little bit easier than messing with four centering rings while trying to assemble, right?


The result of this thread is that Led4power has a board made and it is for sale here:

how is the polarity of leds oriented on the L4P Q8 MCPCB ? There are small black dots for this, but I am not 100% sure.

Dots represent LED Cathode (most leds have some kind of marking for cathode close to cathode electrical pad).

Thank :slight_smile:

I need an Q8 5050 MCPCB.
Would it be possible to buy one?
Led4power store is closed. :cry:

Interested in three

I’ll sell my LED4Power pcb for $10 usd shipped to a US address.

I sold my q8 when extension tubes turned out to be vaporware and no good high CRI 5050 LEDs came out :frowning:

Sad day but message me if interested. Will delete post when sold.