Group Buy Now Live - BLF GT90 SBT-90.2 powered 5,000 Lumen, 1.8Mcd / 2600m Super Thrower

This can happen on reflectors of this size. It is exponentially more difficult to make reflectors as the size goes up.

This was first noticed in the GT a few years ago and tested to have basically no effect on overall performance.

Thanks, appreciate the perspective.

What type of driver does this use (not firmware)? Apologies if this has been discussed already.

So uhhhh, my package that was supposedly “shipped” has now updated on DHL to “Returned to shipper” so who do I contact to figure out where the crap my package is since it was sitting as “Awaiting collection by recipient as requested” for days on end before changing to “Returned to shipper” without ever leaving Hong Kong……

Found review on this light

It is basically the same driver as the GT70 just designed for 3V instead of 12V. So 2 channel FET based driver.

Most likely that would be an issue with the address.

Once Neal gets it I am guessing he will either correct it and send it back out or contact you for more information.

Keep in mind that things are basically at a standstill in China right now, the New year celebration and then the virus outbreak has truly shut the country down.

I understand that things are hectic with celebration as well as the virus thing, but the address shouldn’t be an issue as I’ve ordered from him multiple times in the past via the same address.

I am not saying that is the problem, but it is a possible problem. There are dozens of reasons it could be sent back, this is just the most common. Something like a damaged label, or the printer running low on toner and the label not being able to be scanned properly are other possible reasons. Impossible to know until it gets back to Neal.

Also keep in mind that Neal himself does not actually ship the packages, he just provides the shipping information to an exporter that then takes care of getting the packages out of the country (aka, a company that is “close” to the country leadership and thus doesn’t have miles of red tape or flat out not allowed to do many things).

Don’t worry, you will get the light, the only question is when. At this point I would expect delays.

True enough, It’s just my mind goes to the worst possible outcome when the “plan” deviates from its course ever slightly but then again it could be my OCD going into overdrive.

Yeah, don’t worry about it, you will get your light at some point, it just might take some time.

My rule of thumb is I don’t even check tracking or think about orders from china for a month after ordering. Really reduces the stress levels.

My tracking updated to the same status as yours, but I wasn’t sure what it meant either. Not a long-time forum member but have read enough to not be overly concerned at this time. I know I’ll get it eventually due to the many different circumstances in China now.

Hi Ace,

I have a GT90 that is acting a bit strange. When power is connected it turns on. Not full power but on fairly bright. Most of the time the switch has no effect. When it does the switch being pressed actually cuts it off if you hold it down. I took the top of the head off and disconnected the wires etc too look for shorts and don’t see any. I’m thinking it may be a problem with the driver because I get continuity from the outer rim of the board to the LED - wire pads. The drivers I’m used to working with don’t do that, but is that normal for this board?

No, it should act like the GT70 driver, it is the GT70 driver adjusted to work with 3V.

That is very strange, sounds like a short on the driver. I would look the driver over careful for a short.

Also as an update to the thread, I have not gotten any official updates but I know that the China government has prevented people from going back to work for a bit longer due to the virus, so I expect more delays.

I think I just ordered one… looks confirmed

WHELP, I contacted DHL and after a bit of escalating up the chain they confirmed that my “package” which neal sent was returned to him apparently and I messaged neal but no reply though it does indicate he had read my message over the last 4 days so I don’t know what else to do…… seller knows of the issue and READ the messages but doesnt reply and DHL and tracking number claimed it was returned to neal………

Was it batteries included? Maybe that was the reason not sure where u live but today many countries has strick battery rules… if only he could respond atleast no wonder people then say negative things… i mean he makes money he needs to step up his communication or more will stop buying from him.

I’m in the U.S. and my order also says returned to shipper. Being the noob to this at the time I ordered mine with batteries, not knowing that can cause issues with shipping. :person_facepalming:

Batteries were included, but from Canada and dont have restriction bans on batteries as far as I know and for the last 10-12~ orders from china all contained batteries in shipment……

I’ve also ordered in the past a GT70 from neal with batteries no issue getting shipped….