(Group Buy) Panasonic NCR18650B (CANCELED)

Still in for a couple of button tops.

I’m in for a pair of button tops.Imagine pulling just 2 amps,the voltage drop from flat top to magnet,then magnet to spring,plus

the internal resistance in the magnet,nah,gotta be button tops(gold plated :money_mouth_face: .BTW anyone know if they’ll fit a DGQ 18650.

I was going to get some button tops but the width is listed at 18.5 which won’t fit the light I’m wanting them for. :frowning: And they’re 67 long if that matters.

I’m in for one maybe 2 pairs if button top.

Too bad, I’m sorry. What flashlight is? Just to keep track …

PS: About the 67mm, I don’t think that’s an issue with any light, isn’t it?

The Panasonic unprotected 3100 button tops work in my DQG, so I assume these will as well.


It’s a Convoy S5…an unprotected Sanyo 2600 won’t even fit!

I’m sure you’re right about the length, just thought I’d throw it out there.

I have two of the group buy SupFire M6’s on the way and I will need more batteries.
Would the NCR18650B in this buy be a “best choice”? Would they fit?
Thanks All

This is the worst time for battery group boy in history, after Pulsar organised two excellent group buy that many of us took advantage of I think many of us need some time to refill our wallets. I really want/need this batteries and was planning to get them from FT but this timing sucks. I doubt that I will have enough $ even for 1 pair (and I need at least 4 pairs)…

P.S. protected version would be much better for GB IMO.

They would be a great choice, and yes they would fit.

Only area of concern is I'm not sure if the lights have low voltage cut off... if not you may want to stick to protected batteries instead.

If they are button tops, I'm in for 4 pairs

I’ll wait and see who’s left standing. Then I’ll order some of whatever is decided on.

Yeah same here. I have to wait to see what's decided on before I commit to these. Most likely I will take two pairs

I would say make a poll to see how many are interested in what….

It would be best if GB would include all 4 tipes of NCR18650B batteries (protected & unprotected, flat & button top) then, each could just say “I want a pair of this and a pair of that”, with that scenario -> 50 orders -> not a problem…

if they would agree to $12.50 a pair, your choice (flat/button top, (un)protected) they would move some cells. i also wish i had the group buy lights in hand right now to see what would best fit them. i would prefer some flattop unprotected though, but would probably get some button top protected if thats all that would be available

They sure would. I have a FandyFire Warrior (Y-something) on its way from FT and they recommended protected cells so thats what I need, protected button top…

Well, this groupbuy is about flat top and maybe button top, right?

I’ll be in either way as long as the price is the same or very close to same.

can i buy this with the gift certificate?

One pair, possibly two pairs.