Group buy thread: Convoy M2 2014 host - CLOSED

Done some testing with my M2 today…

It has 12x7135 Qlite, 22awg leads, 20mm Noctigon XM-L2 U3 1A and copper braid on both springs.

All cells fully charged, lux taken @1M distance:
NCR18650A: 2.96A, 15,680lux
NCR18650B: 3.25A, 17,200lux
Samsung25R: 3.78A, 19,000lux

By the looks of it the reflector is sitting too high even with the thickest centering ring, and I noticed some of the light is hitting the lower edge of the reflector, so I will get a ~1mm copper shim, pretty sure that will place the LED nicely and increase the throw. The other thing I can do is to sand the reflector and get rid of the edge allowing it to go lower, but that would require a thicker glass to compensate.

Compared to a similar sized dedomed fenix PD35vn, 2.9A and 14,000lux with NRC-B, the M2 has a far smoother beam and doesn’t get as hot.

Here hopefully you can see the reflector is not sitting as low as it should.

I assembled mine tonight.

I went with a Q0 bin MT-G2 on a Noctigon and a zener modded Qlite with 14x7135s for 5.32A. I also used a UCL lens.

What a powerhouse this light is! I am very happy with it. I have ordered a second host and will be going with an XM-L2 in that one.

Ordered 2 hosts last night just before deadline. Paid via Paypal.

Did you opened the reflector hole or mt-g2 fits without opening?

I drilled it out. It was 7mm to start with, I opened it out to 8mm in 0.5mm increments.

It was much easier than I expected and didn’t even mark the reflector.

Thought there was no need for opening tge reflector :frowning:
Great setup!
Can you put your setup here

Is there any particular technique you used for drilling it out, beyond the fact that you went in 0.5mm increments? Did you use a drill press? Come in from the front or back of the reflector? Clear chips? Use liquids? Clamp the reflector in something?

Thanks for any info.

I haven’t done mine yet, but I figured I’d expand the reflector hole a bit just by filing it down from the back with a thin dremel bit. It won’t be perfectly round, but it’s quick and easy and I should be able to get it pretty close.

Nope, nothing special at all. I sat the reflector face down on a rag, grabbed my hand drill with a 7.5mm drill bit, held the reflector in my other hand with a glove on and went for it. I used a moderate speed and only very light pressure and if it grabbed I backed it out and tried again. Took me about 3 minutes for the whole process and left a perfectly round hole and didn’t mark the reflector at all.

Couldn’t have been easier.

One thing, it’s important to have sharp drill bits so you get a nice clean cut.

Has anyone had any issues trying to undo brass ring that holds the switch in the tailcap?

It has reversed threads.
You should try clockwise to loosen it.

Legend! I have no idea why I didn’t try that before.

Not saying hand filing isnt a usable method, I’ve done many reflectors with a set of diamond files, but the way I’m doing it now days (the way I’ve found to work best) is using a step-less step bit by hand (I think I got the hand drilling method from ImA4wheelr so credit to him for that). It cuts just as fast as the diamond files with the added bonus it keeps the reflector opening in round.

Thank you all for your thoughts and experience w/ drilling out reflectors. My past experiences have not been good, I’ll have to give it another go.

I expand the reflector hole with this tool

WTF indeed. It’s going in circles?

Mine is still in the air after a month of ordering. The tracking says CAN, air.

Happy happy! Finally a Convoy with a driver retaining ring that can screw on over a double sided Nanjg 105c with stacked chips without having to file it down. That alone makes it a favorite with me. Maybe other Convoy’s have this possibility, but not the ones I have (M1, S2 and older C8). Soldering an off time cap to the ground ring might not fit, but as I’ve flashed with my firmware that doesn’t use stars I can easily solder on the cap between star 4 and 3, and bridge 3 to ground. This is the non zoomie host of my choice!

Wow, I did not notice that before. I see it now in will34’s picture in post #206. Good!

That retaining ring is really nice! I did a test fit myself:

There’s a really large and forgiving bevel on the inside of the ring too.