Guess what flashlight I have in my mouth

This! :open_mouth:

I know the light i just can’t remember the make or model, but whatever the answer is it’s that one.

Or it could be an Olight i1R? (Edit - which was mentioned in the second post and discounted, so not that :person_facepalming: )

Nitecore Tini? (Edit2 - which isn’t a twisty… my short term memory needs a recharge.)

Sofirn C01?

Olight i3e?

I was thinking about the Astrolux M01 or the Sofirn SC01 (this one has a low mode of 10 lumens :wink: )

Last light I carried a light in my mouth was an Olight S1 Baton. The original baton with a reflector instead of a TIR and no internal charging.

I stopped doing holding it in my mouth, because:

  • it was rough on the teeth and mouth
  • slobber got everywhere
  • dried slobber on the light was dirtying up the anodizing.

Nowadays I use a headlamp when I want hands-free light on something.

A grand substitute indeed! I am humbled by your punnery. How could I have missed it? Perhaps I was feeling lightheaded.

No trade secret there… Just trusted that I could be a cunning enough linguist. A little nerve wracking to rest a lithium ion at the back of your throat balanced on your tongue (okay, maybe more than a little).

So close!

And your investigative skills resolve the case successfully. Didn’t even get a chance to answer your other questions…but even so you deduced correctly…

Sofirn SC01.

Well done! :partying_face:

BTW this was the second video attempt… I ran the first take at 330 lumens… a wee bit spicy!

Definitely not planning to make this a regular thing… I too enjoy keeping my teeth! Manker E03HII does the trick for me, without the drool.

Yuppie, I guessed it :partying_face:
My first options (DQG lights) weren’t so far from the light you used. I was mostly thinking about the size, since it had to be a small one!

Well done, well thought and I’m glad you didn’t swallow it nor choked :stuck_out_tongue:

Now…time for the guess of the back light :smiley: (Or was it the Manker E03HII you mentioned above??)

I’d eventually say that it has a tint between 4000K-5000K :stuck_out_tongue:

With the Oilight ref, I was gonna guess the i1R, too.

Anyhoo, it ain’t commitment unless you’re willing to punch a hole in your cheek. :laughing: