Guide: how to flash ATtiny13a based drivers (NANJG, QLITE, etc.) with custom firmware

You use the same software for flashing, AVRDUDE. For compiling or writing code talk to ToyKeeper. She uses Linux, many of the tools she uses should be available for Mac. That said, you very likely want an IDE - she could be using something which you will not comfortable with such as VI or Emacs + compiling on the command line.

Good job Hoop putting this together! I started doing something similar with a Word doc so when i get my hardware in I would be ready. You just saved me some time.

Any idea why my clip is working perfectly with one mcu, but on a different one it can’t find it? They’re both attiny13’s, nothing blocking a good connection, the chip is working fine in the light but avrdude can’t find it.

Try removing the MCU from the PCB.

ugh… I really didn’t want to do that.

I’ll try it, but why does it matter with one but not the other? they’re identical qlite’s

I’ve had the same problem, but I do not know why.

I put up videos here showing how to strip/assemble the PCB by hand: iPhone ready - Nanjg stripping and A17DD-SO8 building videos

Is it ok to program the attiny13a while the driver is connected to the led?

Yep. You can actually program them while the flashlight is on. LED will typically flash during the programming process. Not that I like doing this, but I’ve forgot to turn them off a couple of times.

Thanks for posting!!!

So I flashed a few firmwares, all went ok. Now when I connect the clip to the Attiny the light on the usbasp goes off and Windows makes the “usb device disconnected” sound. Is it something wrong with the chip on the driver? Driver does not work either now.

Typically that’s because the clip is shorting 5v to GND. Check your wiring.

I haven’t changed the wiring since succesfully flashing other firmwares.

I recommend that you check the wiring anyway.

It’s difficult to kill these drivers, but you say the driver doesn’t work now. USBASP seems to indicate a short. … and a short would certainly keep the driver from working.

You are very right. Tried on other drivers and it works like it should. So I have a short on this driver it seems.

Can you post clear photos of the driver?

If I didn’t see any obvious shorts I would remove the ATtiny13A and attempt to clip to that directly.

Damn it. Changed the Attiny on the board, flashed it allright and the driver does not work. Weird thing is if I put the clip on it the driver works and every “avrdude -p t13 -c usbasp -n” command changes modes. I mean what is that about?

I don’t have a Mac, but it’s using a modified BSD as its base system and should still have a lot of similarities. I expect you’ll need gcc-avr, avr-libc, binutils-avr, and avrdude.

wight is right, I’m happier with (g)vim and a command line instead of an IDE. So I can’t really help with choosing or configuring an IDE, but I can at least provide scripts to use as a reference for getting the basics working. Try the README and the bin/ directory in my code repository, linked from my sig.

Time to check components. Offhand I suspect the diode. Use diode test on your DMM to check the diode in both directions. You should get a null reading in one direction and ~0.2v in the other direction.

Thanks! I’m glad more people are getting into this. :slight_smile:

I must second the suggestion to include the pomona soic clip.

The hardware I’m using is… these three pieces:

Also, about step 4, I have a collection of firmwares linked in my signature. I think I’m missing some of the projects you linked, but I’ll see about getting them added. Much like your guide, it’s nice to have everything in one place. :slight_smile:

Why is the Pomona clip better than the cheapies?