Interested , not sure which one. Have to see some beamshots first.
Yep, why not…
Count me in too
im interested
btw: how big it is compare with mt07s
Interested in 1 or 2, depending on price and more details
Possibly interested, thanks!
Interested thank you!
Another light I dont need but I’m certainly interested. Range with raw power seems fun.
Interested in 70.2 depending on price
I’d prefer to see some information first
The only specs released so far are at the top of the page.
The moment I get any distance figures I will post them right away.
3 70.2's 15k lumen from a TA driver in a smooth reflector thrower design... It sounds pretty solid so far.
I do not have my sample yet so I have to just go by the pictures. It looks like it may be as much as 3 inches longer and the head is slimmer.
Okay I just got an email with some information (no specs yet) that many have been asking about. I have replied and asked if I can add this information to this feeler.
It looks like this feeler may turn into a group buy much sooner that I have thought.
I asked if I could get an answer about adding this information to this thread right away.
I have to work tonight and I will have to grab some sleep soon my shift starts at 7pm and runs to 7am.
Hopefully I will get a quick email letting me know what I can add if so I will post all new information at the top in the description.
Thanks very much for the support so far.
Interested in green xhp35 NW
Interested in 70.2 version.
Interested in 1, green XHP70.2 CW version.
Interested in 1 or 2 ! Thanks
Interested in 1, depending on price.
interested depend on the price