handschmeichler 4.0

Wow, that is an amazing piece of tech. Specially the housing with carbon fiber.

Very nice!

I take it you will be in the next scratch-build contest?? :wink:

Now that’s what I call a Multi-Tool! :smiley:

Hey Guys,

thanks for all the nice words. it was a pain to complete the Handschmeichler, cause all is very small. i will make some pictures from inside these days. all is wired with paint wire from an old transformer so it look really confused.

the body is made out of aluminium and stonewashed after grinding.

i have some new ideas to expand the software: shut off the display with a double click, cause this is really bright when use the red led at lowest level. and include a zero function to the spirit level to messure the absolute angle.

thanks again, Markus

thats so cool man

This forum has a lot of members whose skills I only can admire, but never could copy.
Without putting them down, by comparing apples with pears and/or oranges, this is a work of art of a different category.

Just to have the vision to create such a complex device. And then fabricating it and making it function properly.
Absolutely magnificent!
In terms of skills: I’m from the other (far) side of the spectrum.

Me too Henk… I’m learning equipment design now. Hope I could contribute to the community one day… :slight_smile:


i build i new one for me with some additional cool features. I added a Ti Tmp007. This is a really small contactless ir temperature sensor.
At the top cover is a xml2-wrgb led. you can fade through the rainbow via the pot and regulate brightness of the selected color. You can switch to white light (mixed from rgb) and regulate brighness. You can randam fade through colors automaticaly and also regualte the brighness. Each die of this led is connected to a 7135, so 380mA. The alu board is glued to a small alu pedestal inside the case. so thermal transfer is given. the white led die is used for the activity state of the 128gb usb memory without a 7135.
The top cover is made out of a sandwich with 0,3mm carbon and 1,0mm red zeder wood. both is glued together with superglue and a lot of pressure. the wood is also stabalized with superglue under vacuum. all in all this was a long try and error to get a durable cover made out of wood.

That is an exceptional build m.m. I take me hat of to you. :+1:

Such a cool gadget, congrats on having skills to design/build/finish this. Amazing.

It’s sort of like an old Ferrari- hand built, beautiful, and high performance in a tight package. Hard to imagine how to improve anything.


What did you do with your old one ?


the old one is reserved at the moment for a member at cpf. it was on sold there.


Till today one of the nicest full DIY Flashlights!

nice= what does that word mean?

Have you never used gooogle translate? It works great

handschmeichler = hand flatterer

i take it to mean a hand smoother


small smooth object, especially in the form of a sphere or a chain of small spheres, which is moved back and forth in the hand or slid through the hand